5 Ways To Get Your First Job After College  

Getting a job after graduating may be a difficult for some, but there are ways to make the process less daunting and give your career a good start. Here are some useful tips for finding your first job after graduating college.

Organize Your Search

One way to begin your job search after college is by organizing your search. It’s important to know which companies interest you when seeking employment as your efforts can easily get lost in the process.

Keep a database such as a spreadsheet for all of your search to help you stay organized. As you dig deeper into the search, it’s good practice to find as many contacts as possible. With unemployment so low, a growing number of companies are spending more time looking for top talent.

Job searching also takes times. Start with 10 hours a week dedicated to your job search, then work your way up to 20 hours and your search becomes more refined.

Build A Resume & Cover Letter

Building a unique resume and cover letter is an important step for job prospecting. Your resume will showcase your experience, skills, and education and any other job related activities. Making your resume appeal to the hiring manager is essential for standing out amongst other applicants.

You’ll want to make sure that your resume and cover letters are unique to prospective job. Sending an incomplete resume or a generic cover letter could cause the hiring manager to become disinterested and may interfere with your chances at getting hired. Create a special cover letter and modify your resume to reflect the interests of the company being applied for.

If you’re unsure about the impact of your resume and cover letter, get feedback from experienced professionals or advisors to help improve your work. Additionally, it’s very important to read your documents carefully, and check for grammar and spelling mistakes.


Seeking relationships with professionals is an easy way to familiarize yourself an the industry. Networking can help put you in front of individuals with similar interests and can lead to job prospects and associations.

Following up with these connections can help gain insight into job descriptions and workplace environment. Contact your local university alumni or business associations and other volunteer services to potentially meet helpful individuals.

Find An Internship

Internships are a good way to gain industry experience and getting connected with the right people. It’s recommended that you participate in several internships during or after college, especially if you are not qualified for your desired job.

Employers are more likely to hire an experienced applicant as you gain skills and industry knowledge. A person lacking experience with a generic resume is likely to not interest the hiring manager, and may jeopardize your chances at standing out.

Connect With Your College Career Center

Get connected with your university’s career center. Your university will have access to resources, events, businesses & associations, career professionals, alumni that can help boost your job search.

Your college is likely to participate in job fairs, which is an easy way to network and find employment. Job fairs often offer entry-level positions, allowing you to get paid while developing useful skills and industry knowledge. Attending job fairs create a great opportunity for meeting employers face to face, granting opportunities to stand out and make a good first impression.

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